King Arthur and the Milkmaid

from $175.00

This painting features not only a sink and stove from 1951 but also an image of Vermeer’s Milkmaid, 2 loaves of bread I made using flour from King Arthur Baking Company which is just a few miles away in Norwich VT. I loved painting this still life and lavished attention on every element in our simple kitchen. The old faucet, the Joy liquid detergent, the odds and ends in the drainer and the drainer itself—the cyclamen and its blue and white pot, the bread, the wonderful wrinkled bag of flour and its graphics, the Vermeer, another interior within mine and his exquisite light and model, the magic chef stove with the tea kettle boiling away, the tea above on the windowsill, some spices, and finally the open scissors keeping you from escaping Stage Right.

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